Sunday, 7 June 2015


I go through my posts on Twitter, just to monitor what should be erased. Also to see how far I've come or how far I haven't come. With 11 something thousand plus tweets, I do occasionally get tired and abandon ship but on this specific day, I guess I had time and I was supposed to see this. I came past a post I retweeted and that got me thinking again.

"If you were to take spiritual selfies would we be so quick to post them"

Hmmm... Food for thought if there ever was any.

I find myself always taking a picture or 15 before I leave the house to do my everyday and ordinary things with a caption to the effect of #Fleeky #Saturday #FaceBeat... You know the drill... (Us social media freaks make up hashtags as we go along #YouWereNeverReady). As someone who has decided to take up a physical journey watching my face shrink and shrink and body almost (but not really) turn unrecognisable ,  I feel brand new! Yes! I feel fantastic. I'm physically probably the thinnest I've ever been but am I as "thin" and fabulous on the inside as the outside... *cue awkward but very real silence*

Working on the outside is not as effective if you do not work on your inside too. Full body cleanse needed. I always use my key analogy when I'm faced with interesting situations. It's simple, I figured when I feel like I am stuck at a certain stage in life, it's only because life is trying to tell me that "Yo my guy, you haven't completely finished this level." When I am done the key will  surely turn. Perhaps for me, this one simple change is the missing link for my key... a squeaky clean inside.

On my long lists of wants, somewhere up there, I want that. I want to work on making my inside selfie as polished as my outside selfie(s)- so many of them out there. #NewTask #NewChallenge

This surely means a list of things and a huge commitment but a basic summary would probably be; compassion, love, care, honesty and... I'm not entirely sure of the whole list yet. I'll get there.  It's part of my journey....

...After all what is a princess without a heart of gold?

Remember, your inside is as valuable as your outside. Work hard on both. And just... Be a good human!

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