Writing this very sincere post from a B&B overlooking the sea. I never thought it a privilege.
I'm, you're, we're living in a world that has been struggling and still is battling with this thing called privilege which leads to different spheres; racism, sexism, classism-all the isms. Today, I realised that abusing privilege in every sense of the word is so easy to do, And of that I am guilty.
I was riding a rented bike up and down the side walk this afternoon, over looking this endless and picturesque view of the sea and just soaking up the essence of being. What I forgot to realise is that the very fact that my legs can propel the bike in forward motion, that in itself is privilege. Here I am writing again and being able to write and think, thoughts. That in itself is privilege.
I was taken aback today, caught off guard really, when a lady in a wheelchair came to me and asked me to help her. Not only was I surprised. I was worried. I was reluctant. I immediately thought something bad. Looking back on this I feel like somewhere along the lines, I'm losing that sense of 'ubuntu'-if you will. My country has conditioned me to think that everybody and everything is bad or has ulterior motives, when a lot of the time, all that's needed is genuine help. I helped her anyway, but still found myself second guessing my decision after the fact. How could I be so suspicious and so judging when what I preach daily is love and giving and expecting nothing in return. I so easily forgot my values when the opportunity, to not only preach but practice too, was handed to me on a silver platter. And thinking back...what if she was an angel in disguise sent to teach me a lesson for the day, the month, the year, my lifetime. Well, maybe she wasn't an angel in the conventional sense- with a halo and wings but she definitely gave me something in our brief exchange and our paths were meant to cross.
I have legs to walk... hands that I can use... mouth to talk... eyes to see... hands to right... air to breathe... the list goes on.
As humans... *rephrase* as for myself I have of course taken for granted the simple things I can do and forgotten to just be thankful. The fact that I can do the simple, average things in life is privilege on its own. Time to stop pointing fingers at everyone else about their privilege and realise that I abuse the privilege that is bestowed upon me and maybe start using it wisely and in the correct manner; i.e. helping someone who is unable to help themselves, perhaps.
Remember, privilege is a SPECIAL right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a person or group-Treat that with dignity, use it wisely because just as quickly as the day turns to night, you just never know when you won't have it anymore.